Dragon Eyes began this bold science fiction adventure, but Sibyls’ Orb drags you inexorably into the beating heart of this mystical walk on the wild side of science fiction…
The road to hell is surely paved with good intentions. Just ask Chon Ko Gonin, Captain of the Green Jinn. He would definitely agree with that. With the best of intentions, the Green Jinn ventured into unexplored territory in search of a wanted interplanetary criminal, David Zharn.
Right from the start, the Green Jinn found itself dragged into a battle to save an ancient people from the Merc invaders hiding in the unexplored territory since the Corporate War more than 40 years ago. Right from the start, ancient forces of good, and evil fought for control of Sibyl’s Orb and dragged Chon Ko Gonin into the middle of it.
Sibyl’s Orb was the key that would unlock the mysteries that lay before him, but finding it and saving it would test his strength, and cunning to its limits. However, Sibyl’s Orb would not be his only challenge on this mission. Beyond the orb was an ancient evil.
A thousand years ago, I was a very gifted seer. I was Evil’s worst nightmare. So Evil set a plan in motion to kill me. His minions did not know Evil’s whole plan. They only knew their own parts in it. He used that fact to trap me. But in the end, I saw my own demise, and there was no way out. I was doomed. So, I recorded my own moon and hid it away, where Evil would never find it.
My love, Arowin, felt in his heart the second of my end. To the end of his days did he search for me. Our loving son picked up the task that had outlived his father. My beloved son, Iisax, followed the clues that his father had left for him, but Iisax’s days were also numbered. It was Shirazad, Iisax’s daughter, who found the moon that I had hidden away nearly a thousand years before her. It was Shirazad that handed my moon over to the Council of the Crescent Moon. It was the Council that set my moon free.
And so now, here I am. I am Destiny. I would find Ojunta and finish this once and for all. But this unexplored territory was full of more secrets as I was to find out. And this ancient evil had taken yet another unexpected turn.
But this unexplored territory was about to give up yet another secret from the past, an old foe of unequaled skill and cunning — the man who gave the orders to kill Admiral Dallas Blake’s whole family.
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Sibyl’s Orb on Amazon as Kindle or PaperBack
- Amazon eBook
- File Size: 2127 KB
- Print Length: 200 pages
- Publisher: Five Moons Publishing; 2 edition (July 9, 2020)
- Publication Date: July 9, 2020
- Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC
- Language: English
- Amazon Paperback
- Series: Tales of the Green Jinn (Book 2)
- Paperback: 227 pages
- Publisher: Independently published (July 10, 2020)
- Language: English
- ISBN-13: 979-8665299457
- Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.6 x 9 inches
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Alone on C-Deck, Chon stood silent for a long moment to quiet his mind. Body follows mind. Mind follows breath. He breathed long and slow until his mind was quiet. A formal bow began the ancient Earth kata that he was about to perform.
Kusanku was an ancient Chinese emissary. One foggy night he was surrounded by fully armed samurai warriors in a rice field sworn to kill him. With only his bare hands, Kusanku was forced to defend himself. This kata was a reenactment of that epic battle.
Chon turned and crouched, peering through imaginary fog. His kicks snapped forward with power and focus. His blocks were as focused as his punches as he moved along imaginary paths at forty-five-degree angles defending himself from the imaginary samurai.
But this was more than just a very powerful man going through the moves of a kata. It had become a meditation in motion. Qi flowed through Chon like a mighty river. The air crackled with the power of his punches and kicks. The decks beneath his feet resounded with his every step. Chon had tapped into a power beyond his own.
Suddenly, Chon was no longer standing on C-Deck, but on a mountaintop in an ancient stone ruins. He took in a deep breath, but the air was thin. A heavy mist and dim light only made this place even more surreal. Sounds around him were the first signs that he was in imminent danger, but in the distance, at the very limits of his hearing, he could just barely make out a woman’s voice call his name. It beckoned him forward.
Out of the mist stepped a fully armed Merc warrior, a pulse pistol in his hand. He fired at Chon, but Chon had already moved. He spun around the Merc, grabbing his wrist and twisting the hand that held the gun. The Merc’s next shot was, unfortunately, with a gun that Chon had twisted around to point at the Merc’s own heart. That Merc dropped on the spot. Chon picked up the Merc’s pistol and continued carefully forward through the mist, crouching low.
Voices all around him only hardened his resolve to survive. Suddenly, a man came out of the mist straight at him. This Merc warrior came at Chon with a blade overhead that he brought down upon Chon with killing force. Much to his surprise, Chon caught the blade between his open palms, turned and snapped it. Before the Merc had time to react, Chon turned quickly one more time as he hit the man with a spinning back-kick to the head. The Merc dropped face down.
The sound of his own heart was pounding in his ears as Chon was drawn ever forward. Two huge stone monoliths stood in his path. He was forced to move in forty-five-degree paths, just as Kusanku had been many thousands of years before him, as voices once more closed in on him.
In the mist, Chon could just barely make out one man in front of him. The smallest sound behind him, though, was the only warning of the next attack. He ducked low as a pulse round just barely flew over him. He spun to the side. Another pulse round flew just barely overhead once more. It would have hit him but for the forty-five-degree angle that he had taken.
But now the first Merc heard the sound of battle and came rushing in. Chon struck him from behind like lightning on a cloudless night and wrapped his arm so he could not turn. The Merc that had been firing at Chon from behind heard the scuffle ahead of him and charged.
“EIUS!” Chon growled at him from behind the other Merc.
All that the charging Merc saw through the mist was a man pointing a gun straight at him. So, on pure reaction, he fired, killing his own fellow Merc. As the dead man dropped, Chon fired back, killing the last Merc warrior. There were no more sounds around him now, only an eerie silence.
A woman’s voice in the distance behind him once more called his name. He turned toward her. So it was that he found himself standing at the foot of a paved stone path. Silence engulfed him as he followed the path ever upward into the mist. Out of the mist appeared two huge stones standing guard to a secret courtyard. A young woman in a flowing white gown appeared for the briefest second in the opening. Chon went cautiously inside. In the center of the courtyard was a raised stone as though at some point, it had been an altar, but Chon did not approach that. Instead, he circled around the inside of the courtyard.
To normal people, those stone walls looked like nothing more, but Chon was part Anoza. He knew better. In the misty light, the stone walls looked barren and flat but only if you looked with just your eyes. As he looked, the woman once more appeared for just the briefest second. Chon walked over to where she had stood. Sure enough, in folded time-space, there was an opening in the wall. Chon reached right through what would appear to be solid stone to anyone else. He could feel something large and heavy in a cloth pouch. He removed the pouch from its hiding place.
Chon pulled open the ties on the pouch and removed a heavy crystal orb. It was the most beautiful crystal orb he had ever seen. Its deep iridescent reds and blues were spellbinding. When he touched it, great power flowed through him like ten mighty rivers.
“Good Lord! What was that?” Sienna asked from behind him.
Chon was suddenly back on C-Deck. It took a second for his mind to refocus as he looked around in disbelief of what had just happened.
“Kusanku kata,” he somehow managed to reply to Sienna as he picked up his towel to wipe the sweat from his brow and neck.
“Hell,” Sienna replied, “I have seen a lot of people perform katas in my days, but I have never seen anything at all like that.”
“What do you mean?” Chon wondered. What had she seen?
“You moved with such power and force,” she replied.
“And that’s all you saw?”
“Yeah. Why? Should I have seen something else?” she asked.
“No. No,” Chon replied, relieved.
Sienna went back to the bridge, while Chon went to take a shower.
“What was that?!” all of the members of the Council of the Crescent Moon clamored to know from Destiny.
“I don’t know! It was not from me. I did not give him that vision,” she insisted.
“Then who did?”
Chapter 1: Think again.
Dallas Blake stood in the engineering bay with Hack and Jinn as the anoza technicians worked all around them. Hack’s team of combat droids was helping them move the heavy pieces of equipment into place. The anoza were amused by that.
“We thought we had it right the first time,” Dallas Blake explained to Hack, “but we were wrong. The Green Jinn seemed to do the job okay, but its single quantum portal was taxed to its limits when the going got tough. We can’t have that.”
“But I adapted and improvised and got the job done,” Jinn reminded him.
He kissed her cheek. “Yes, dear. That you did, but the next time you might not be able to.”
“And thus we are adding two more quantum portals to this hall,” Hack told her.
“Exactly correct,” Dallas complimented him. “The Anoza only equip their small ships with two, but Union Fleet standard is triple redundancy. So, the Green Jinn will have three.”
The quantum portals had become a joint effort with Toron’s expert, anoza portal craftsmen building the hardware, Mariah rebuilding the portal software to her own liking, and Hack’s crew of repurposed combat droids installing it all and performing all of the pre-flight testing.
But even that was not enough. While all of that was in progress, Mariah had her own crew of droids helping her change out every one of the quantum-com modules on the Green Jinn. And that included every mindlink for each member of the crew.
Zemi came to sit on Lara’s lap when it came to be her turn. She had a very sad look on her face and looked down.
“What’s wrong?” Lara asked her.
“Will I still be a magical genie?” she asked, almost in tears.
“Yes. Of course, you will still be a magical genie,” Lara promised her.
Zemi perked right up.
“In fact,” Mariah whispered to her, “this will make you an even better genie.”
[Good morning Magical Genie,] her new mindlink woke up and addressed Zemi in a female voice. [I am with you always.]
“I am still a magical genie!” Zemi told everyone.
“This new mindlink has a mind of its own,” Mariah told Zemi. “You should give her a name. She would like that.”
“What should I name her?”
“Hm. A name is very important. Maybe you should think about it for a while before you name her,” Mariah suggested.
“I will think about it,” Zemi agreed.
All of these preparations were going on around him as Chon took his seat on the bridge. Underneath his calm, cool exterior, he was still trying to make sense of the vision, but now was not the time for that. Right now, he had to look over his new star charts. This mission was all about recon. Each of these worlds had to be explored to see what was happening at each one. The problem here was a total lack of knowledge. His job was to change that. Sienna’s job would be the information gathering. Sometimes, recon is as simple as that… sometimes.
Hack found Lara sitting at the workstation next to Chon. She was reading O’Toole’s A History of Mankind in the Outworlds in total disbelief, struggling hard to understand how humans could have screwed up their own history so badly. Admittedly, the history of mankind in the outworlds was a total mess. In the end, however, the humans seemed to get it right… in the end. But, good grief; getting there sure took them long enough.
“I would like your kind assistance,” Hack requested of Lara.
“Me? What for?”
“I need you to test the new portals to their limits,” he told her.
“Oh. That sounds like fun,” she replied and suddenly – poof – she was gone. And, poof, she was back. And, poof, she was gone again.
Hack turned to Chon. “I didn’t expect her to be so enthusiastic about it. It is only a test.”
That made Chon laugh. In the meantime, Lara was poofing here and poofing there. She went for a poof to her home on Yartu and poofed just as quickly back. Then Lara got Zemi, and together, they tested all three portals.
Hack stood there, on the bridge and waited patiently for Lara to complete her testing.
“What is she doing?” Chon asked him when curiosity finally overcame him.
“Lara’s ‘poof’ program is actually a very complex way to operate a portal,” Hack explained to him. “It involves moving both ends of the portal synchronously, using the bottoms of their feet as its base reference point in each place. That is why I asked Lara to test it for me.”
Zemi suddenly poofed onto the bridge, giggling. Lara poofed in and found her seconds later, and so they both poofed back out as quickly as they had arrived.
“Excellent,” Hack commented. “They are not even pushing the new portal processors.”
Sienna peered over the top of the virtual display she had been working on the whole time.
“What did you expect me to see?” she asked him, having not missed even the tiniest detail of their previous encounter on C-Deck. At first, Chon hadn’t a clue what she was talking about.
“Oh,” he said when it finally sunk in that she was referring back to their last conversation. “Sometimes, when my qi is flowing like a mighty river, I can see the battle.”
“Chee?” she asked.
“Correct,” Hack answered her before Chon could even get words out. “The word qi is an ancient Earth term originating from the Chinese. I know that it sounds like ‘chee,’ but it is spelled Q I in Standard Interplanetary English. I know; the spelling of it confounds logic. I would agree. In addition, the ancient Tantric yogis of India described the same force as kundalini.”
Both Sienna and Chon were sitting there with their mouths open, astounded that this would be something that Hack, an android starship engineer, would know anything at all about as he continued.
“Now, one would think that qi would be some kind of myth, but it is not. Science has proved that the universe is so abundantly full of energy that even the lowly vacuum spontaneously bursts forth with particles created from this abundant energy. So, one may conclude that while the ancient Earth people may not have known one small bit of quantum mechanics, they did figure out how to use it.”
“Hack, you are the man,” Chon complimented him. “I would have never expected you to know that.”
“Thank you, sir. That is what engineering is all about – the practical application of science.”
Needless to say, Sienna was not about to just take Hack’s word on any of this. She had to look everything up for herself. Her auxiliary virtual display screen filled with cross references.
“Damn. He’s right,” Sienna concluded a few seconds later.
“Yes, of course, I am right,” Hack confirmed. “Although, I must say that I had no personal knowledge of qi until I observed the captain execute his Kusanku Kata on C-Deck. The energy spikes caused several time-space alarms. Then they became so powerful that my monitoring cameras all filled with the noise of it. Your voice brought them all back to normal.”
Sienna smiled. “My voice,” she repeated.
“Your voice caught my attention and broke my meditation,” Chon clarified it for her.
“Could you teach me to do that?” she asked him.
“A moving meditation is like apple pie,” Chon told her metaphorically. “I can give you the recipe, but you will have to bake one yourself to taste it.”
“Is food all that you ever think about?” she asked, perplexed by his answer.
“No,” he replied with a gleam in his eye. “I will teach you.”
“You will teach her what?” Lara asked as she poofed in with Zemi.
“Kusanku Kata,” Chon replied. “It is a basic fighting form.”
“Good,” Lara quickly responded. “We will both learn it then.” She turned back to Zemi. “Come on. Let’s do some more testing.” And, poof, they were gone.
Hack was happy that his new work was being so thoroughly run through its paces.
Chon went quietly back to his star charts.
Sienna may have been all calm on the outside, but on the inside, she was so upset that her hair was on fire and sparks were flying out of her ears. At least, that’s what it felt like to her.
Chapter 2: Mystic crystal revelations.
Now that the Green Jinn was totally isolated in the network, it was safe for Admiral Johnson to send her best man to do the analysis of which planets to explore first. Chief Navigator, Remiatu Kiriarkin was nothing of what you would expect. He was a younger man, of cheerful attitude and very pleasant features… for an anoza.
As far as anoza went Rem, as his friends called him, was an odd character, but to humans, he was just a gregarious young man in search of adventure. In the extremely conformist Anoza society, Rem stuck out like a sore thumb, but amongst the humans, he was right at home.
Admiral Johnson always did like odd characters. In their own way, some of them were very talented. Such was the case with Rem. Somewhat like Emma, he had an incredibly intuitive ability to see the complex shape of space and navigate a starship through it.
Rem came through quantum portal-2 with a smile on his face and his duffle bag in tow. Chon was there to greet him. Behind Chon stood Mia and Hack.
“Permission to come aboard,” Rem requested.
“Permission granted,” Chon replied. “Welcome aboard the Green Jinn. Hack will help you with your things. Mia is in charge of Housekeeping. She will assign you your quarters. The ship will make way at 13:00 hours. Until then, you may want to look around and get familiar with the ship. Oh… and lose the uniform. We are to look, walk, talk, and smell the part of outworld civilians at all times.”
“I will do that,” Rem replied as Hack took his heavy duffle bag. Admiral Johnson had already told him that this mission was so secret that it was classified as double black, but it really had not sunk in until this very moment. Rem’s brain was on fire with excitement. His whole life he had waited for something like this! He took the first steps into the adventure of a lifetime as he followed Mia to his new quarters.
A half-hour later, Rem wandered into the engineering bay, looking curiously around at everything.
“Can I help you?” Hack asked when he saw him.
“Oh, I am just looking.”
“I see that.”
“Good Heavens,” Rem commented. “These are the new quantum portal engines, but I thought that they were Top-Secret, military only.”
“They are,” Hack told him proudly. “Our very own Emma invented them. The Five Moons was the first ship to get them. We are a very secret part of the Five Moons Fleet.”
“Good Heaven! Who hasn’t heard of the Five Moons? I am now a part of that?”
“Yes, you are,” Chon answered him from behind, “but that information is classified. All that anyone will ever see of us is an old war-surplus scout-class ship named the Green Jinn. No one must ever know that we are anything at all more than that.”
“Oh, how very Anoza,” Rem concluded. “We hide in plain sight. The secret is safe with me. I will never speak it, but it will be a part of me forever.”
“Now you’ve got the picture,” Chon encouraged him.
The entire crew sat on the bridge as 13:00 approached. Jinn took the center pilot’s seat. Sienna sat behind her and to her left, in the science workstation. Rem took the seat to Jinn’s right as the navigator. Chon sat at the center of the elevated second row with Aiden to his left and Lara to his right. Zemi had her own seat next to Aiden.
Jinn formed a quantum portal and went through it. The Green Jinn emerged from it at the very edge of this new unexplored territory. That move was purposeful. Jinn turned to Rem.
“You’re up,” she told him.
Rem smiled. He brought up his data and laid it over top of their magnificent view of the stars out before them. His data was a calculated version of the filamentary nature of the thirteen-dimensional space out before them, but now they were here, at the edge of it.
He turned to Sienna.
“I am told that you have revised information for me,” he said to her.
“Yes,” she agreed. “Now that we are on-station, I am allowed to release it to you.” As she spoke, the data flowed to Rem’s workstation, and he went right to work. As he did, the display changed. Most of the changes appeared to be minor, but the longer that Rem worked on the data; the more apparent it became that…
“Something is not right here,” Rem concluded. “Even your new data is insufficient for me to draw any definite conclusions.”
“What would we need to do to help you?” Chon asked him.
“We would have to take some more measurements, I am afraid,” Rem told Chon.
As he said that, a new set of destination coordinates popped up on Jinn’s display and showed up on the main display. Rem looked at the coordinates for a long second.
“I didn’t do that,” he told Jinn, but now a quantum portal formed out in front of the Green Jinn. Jinn turned to Chon with question marks all over her face.
“What should I do?” She asked him.
[This is important,] Destiny whispered into Chon’s ear.
“We are recon. We adapt, improvise, and overcome. And we strike when the opportunity presents itself. Opportunity just presented itself, so let’s see where this goes. Fly through the portal.”
But now Rem was beside himself. Inside, he was having a furious conversation with himself over having screwed something up, but he could not even imagine what that could have been. He checked his Navigator’s Log, but it showed that he issued no course. Now he was certain that it wasn’t him, but that didn’t make him feel any better.
The Green Jinn emerged into what should have been empty space according to the new star charts captured from the Zharn freighters, but it most certainly was not. Instead, there were stars all around them and an immense nebula. From the inside, the nebula was spectacular, but only because the main display enhanced its colors. It was all lit up by the nearby stars… none of which appeared on the captured Zharn freighters’ star charts.
“Good work, Rem,” Chon complimented him.
“But I didn’t do it,” Rem reminded him.
“Maybe not, but your ground work made it possible. You knew that something was wrong.”
“Yes, that is true,” Rem decided, “but this changes everything.”
“That’s why we brought you,” Chon told him with a smile.
“Oh. Yes. Then I better get right to work on this,” he replied as he did.
Rem thought it would take several hours to for the onboard computers to analyze all of the new data but Destiny secretly used her multiple intelligent processors to shorten that. Over the next few minutes, the new results were displayed on the navigator’s display.
“Well, that explains it,” Rem concluded. “Now all of the freighter courses begin to make some sense. Hm. But why would you do that?”
“To hide the planets that exist out there,” Sienna told him, but Rem still sat there with a dumb look on his face.
“Were you briefed on this mission?” Sienna asked him.
“No, not entirely,” he said hesitantly. “I was only asked to analyze the data when it made no sense to anyone else. I told my superiors that there had to be a significant amount of missing data and that I was unable to draw any accurate conclusions from what they had given me.”
“And so, you were assigned to this mission?” Sienna asked him.
“Oh, no. I volunteered,” he admitted. “I told them that I would have to come out here to see this for myself in order to solve it.”
“And so you did,” Sienna concluded.
“Maybe so, but now there are even more mysteries,” he quickly replied.
Sienna smiled. “Don’t worry, Rem. We won’t be sending you back any time soon.”
“Good. Good. My place is right here,” Rem emphatically agreed. “I have much more work to do if I am to map all of this.”
“Well, mapping is not exactly our primary mission, but exploring this new territory ranks right up there in our list of mission priorities,” Chon told him.
“What is our primary mission?” Rem asked him.
“We are recon. We are hunting down an interplanetary crime syndicate and their head man, David Zharn.”
“Oh? But we are outside of Union territory.” Rem thought this was news to them.
“That is why they sent us,” Chon told him as he got up and walked around the bridge. “Out there is a whole uncharted territory. It was left off of the charts for a reason. It was left off of the charts to hide something. I need to know what is being hidden from us.”
“In the uncharted territory, there are ninety-three M-Class stars. They will all have planets, but there is only a 1.3 percent chance that any of them will be a T-10,” Rem offered his opinion.
“Well, that’s a start,” Chon considered, “but that is still a lot of stars for us to explore.”
“I could narrow that down somewhat,” Rem offered as he put the navigator’s automated observatory to the task, “but it will take me a few hours.”

As originally sold by Double Dragon Publishing
- ISBN-10: 1-77115-396-2
- ISBN-13: 978-1-77115-396-6
- Genre: Science Fiction/Dark Fantasy
- File Size: 1106 KB
- Print Length: 254 pages
- Publisher: Double Dragon eBooks (January 30, 2018)
- Publication Date: January 30, 2018
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
- Language: English
- ASIN: B079G3KWH8
- Paperback: 204 pages
- Published: (March 12, 2018)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1986478173
- ISBN-13: 978-1986478175
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